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작성자 Meridith Ranson 작성일 24-11-03 15:37 조회 21 댓글 0


Nice submit simplifying what bitcoin is and does, Professor. Just a simple question: Say I am a automobile supplier, Rust crypto trading and assume if I used to be to accept 10 bitcoins for a particular car, would the value of these 10 bitcoins change with the change in worth on the alternate? 25000 dollars at this time, but when there isn't any certainty as to what it's worth tomorrow, why on the planet would this be a legit currency? Very informative and concise clarification of cryptocurrencies.

So far as I can inform, the principle beneficiaries of cryptocurrency transactions are those that are trying to keep away from the regulation. Maybe that's not a bad factor if you reside overseas in a tyrannical dictatorship, but here in America, why would I need to get my money intertwined in a snake pit of people attempting to avoid the law (including those making an attempt to keep away from taxes). That doesn't sound very protected at all.

I will keep on with my US dollars, thanks. Jay, I consider he addresses that in the worth volatility paragraph.

Quick reply is, you're right. The "value" of the bit coins would change and that is a factor to why it's not a reliable currency as we speak. I feel there's another problem holding again the acceptance of Bitcoin (and other cryptos) as a currency: Primarily no person has BTC-denominated liabilities. For any fiat currency, essentially everybody has fiat-denominated liabilities -- when their tax invoice comes due, if nothing else.

With out BTC liabilities, there isn't any robust driver of mass crypto-currency adoption in the close to-term. I believe that till we see a robust crypto credit market develop (even if that credit score is just "I owe my landlord 1 BTC at the tip of the month"), crypto currencies will remain a speculative instrument quite than a currency. This will also be read as a extra bullish case for ETH as a currency, in that a small number of individuals do have ETH-denominated liabilities, because it costs ETH to run smart contracts on the ETH blockchain.

Jay brings up an ideal level.

Professor, have you ever looked into Ripple (XRP)? Its current use case is largely in international cross-currency payments. Transaction, not buying and prediction markets crypto selling, speak: From creators and proponents of the currency, you will hear less talk about how a lot cash you'll make by buying and selling the currency and more on its efficacy in transactions. Transaction, not buying and selling, features: The design of the crypto currency will focus on creating options that make it engaging as a currency (for transactions), not as investments.

Your argument applies to every currency then. How are you sure that these 25,000 USD could have the exact same buying power tomorrow? BTC is simply extremely volatile in comparison with others and that may be the rationale you do not wish to promote your automotive for it. Perhaps you may examine Vitalik Buterin, crypto-crawler proof of stake and Raiden to make an knowledgeable name. Cryptocurrencies--sadly--could also be The final word solution to the money launderers.

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