4 Easy Tips For Utilizing What Is A Billiards Club To Get Forward Your Competitors > 자유게시판

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4 Easy Tips For Utilizing What Is A Billiards Club To Get Forward Your…

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작성자 Leif 작성일 24-10-19 09:22 조회 5 댓글 0


Some players seem far better when they are playing for a score than when playing by holes: Mr. Hilton, for instance, who has twice won the open championship, is reputed to be a better medal player than match player, while Andrew Kirkaldy, I hear, expresses his contempt for medal play in no uncertain language. This is the chief reason why medal play is neither so interesting to watch nor so pleasant to engage in as hole or match play-the one produces a dull, level style of game, with few flashes of brilliancy, while the other encourages both safety and brilliancy: and in my humble opinion, the increase of medals necessary because of the increase of clubs and players is not a development towards improvement, but the reverse. In chess and draughts the stronger competitor may play without one or more pieces. Our forefathers used to play a gentler game, with more regard to grace and style and form.

At cricket, as has been said, the reason for the modern style of play is principally to be found in the perfection of modern wickets. He would possibly argue that the best type of golf is to be found when playing for a score, and human nature being what it is, nobody could wonder at this. There is no doubt but that a pretty lofted shot on the putting-green into the hole is a beautiful stroke, and I fail to see why it should be sacrificed because another player finds that his score, which he is keeping when he should not, suffers by being stymied. To begin with, players are often apt to consider themselves stymied when such is not the case. Their knowledge of the game and willingness to assist and guide players add a personal touch that makes the club feel like a second home. The whole principle of the game was the chase, and to succeed in making a series of good chases depended either on great knowledge of length or the power of cut. A growing community that has a wealth of knowledge to share.

The modern clubs, with their odd shapes and sizes and heavy bullet heads, really exist to satisfy the players to whom length seems everything; but it is impossible to wonder at this when the new links seem to be laid out on the principle that the really good hole is one where it is possible for the long player, by a tremendous drive and very long second shot, to get his ball hole high. If there is any merit in mashies, bullet-headed drivers, and brasseys and bulgers, it must be remembered that the old players had not the advantage of using these, and some of the greater length of drive that is undoubtedly possessed by modern players must be put down to the credit of the club, and not of the player. But the very old players had to play with feather balls, while the modern player has had every imaginable choice of the finest gutta-percha to choose from. It would be absolutely impossible to play a good game with the feather balls which are exhibited as curiosities in some club rooms, as it would be at cricket to play a good innings with Robinson's bat, of colossal weight in the blade and very thin handle, which you may see at Lords.

Thirty years ago there were hundreds of undeveloped golfers who never had an opportunity of grasping a club. In one club no improvement or change has been made, and the old wooden putter is still used by some of our great players; nor, as far as I know, is there any difference between the modern and ancient cleek. I do not deny that a great deal may be said in favour of this; it is unlucky to be stymied, and it is a fluke, but on the other hand, it is a rule of the game, and in the long run no one player can say that he has not gained so much as he has lost by the stymie; if it has been against him one day, What is a billiards club it has operated in his favour on another. I am also painfully aware that our likes and dislikes, our partiality for medal or match play, our being in favour or the contrary of this, that, and the other rule, is largely determined by the effect it has on our own individual play.


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